Monday, 24 August 2009

Kin Leonardo in the Hotel Inspector

Watching the Hotel Inspector in channel 5. Alex is in Switzerland trying to help a small village very touristy hotel, GAH.

Alex can be really pompous sometimes, and the editing is criminal. It’s edited to show the hotel owners as the bad guys. But they called her for help from Alex “Pah-leet-sea”. And the only clips from the hotel owners are ones of them complaining or looking stupid. Like ones timed so cruelly, they look like morons when they are obviously not. They’re just not very business savvy.

I still don’t know why I’m blogging, especially if it’s 3 times a day short enough to minimise to twitter blog messages. I want to watch “Stargate Atlantis”, probably just go read some fan fiction, then write some later.

Speaking of fan fiction, I’ve signed up for Leaf on The Wind Firefly RPG. The people on there are weird, just in the way that they come online very single day to talk through a fictional character to other people playing fictional characters.kin leonardo

Odd, but fun. I’m including my character profile picture. My character’s called Kin Leonardo. A turn on my usernames for every other social networking site profile I have.

(Best not say that too loudly, my password’s still the same!)


Just figured-out how to go rivertamstraight from my window vista on my laptop to my blog.

(In fact, that what I’m doing now)

Not that it matters. Actually, this post is just so I can see how it works.

Cyall later friend!


Alright, here I go.
Blog, what do I write?
Blog... Blog.... Blog.......... blog..................
Well, I'm on twitter, just in case you are reading this and are as bored as I am (hence the making of a blog when I have almost nothing to write that doens't fit into 140 characters)
I'm under the name Allanna_XD.
That's a _ not a - .

Just added a Halo 3 ODST wallpaper. Not the best formating in the world, don't you agree?
I only do this because I want the game and the game seems to be avoiding me. Oh wait, no it's not, motherr dearest just hasn't managed to drag herself up from the couch to go set up an amazon account so that the game can be ordered.
Kind of a flaw with the whole, get the game an play it scheme.

I got not much to write now, post more later.
Gonna watch Futurama.
"Femputer has decided that the men shall be sentanced to death! By Snoo-snoo!"