Thursday, 17 December 2009

Merry Christmas Geekdom

So... so bored with TV right now. Infact, I've taken to continuously watching Stargate SG1 re-runs... and not the good, oldies.
And so, where did I turn? To books... I ask the universe, "are you happy now? Now that you've forced me to actually use my brain?" By 'books' I mean, mainly, Skulduggery Pleasant. I have few other books that I can read and then re-read, recently Harry Potter just doesn't cut it anymore. Twelve year olds with wands has been replaced by twelve year olds with just plain magic... Not a huge leap when you think about it like that... but at least there are vampires in SP.
Neck-chewing creatures of the night (that don't sparkle) are always good (but only if they don't sparkle!)
And when I decided that I may have just read them too many times, that would be when I could recite quotations... I know, I know, but I have a tendancy to latch onto things that I love... I can see you rolling your eyes! Don't you roll your eyes at me! Anyway, I started writting fanfiction.
There you go again with all the eye-rolling...
Anyway, its okay, because I've ran out of ideas. There will be no more Skulduggery fanfic until a, possible purple, leprachaun jumps out from behind my TV and shouts ideas at me. And call me a pessimist, but I don't think that's going to happen any day soon. So everyone is safe until I have a mini-apifiny, at which time I will take over the world with my genius inventions and small amy of 'mini-me's. But enough of my world domination plans.
I'm off to find something, anything, good on TV.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

ODST- Fire fight mode Review

“Fire fight” is a ‘new’ multiplayer mode on Halo 3:ODST. Think CoD’s Zombie Nazis mode combined with L4D’s Survival mode, or a super-powered version of Gears 2’s Horde. You play with up to three of your friends on a map from the game. There are a few to choose from, some day, some night, some indoors and some that leave you open from almost every angle, my favourite being ‘End of the Road’, a mainly outdoors, symmetrical map. You and your friends must fight off wave after wave of covenant forces or prepare to come face to face with your dear and fluffy lord.

The waves of enemies are measured fairly accurately, each round has four sets, each set has five waves. Every wave is one or two phantoms worth of enemies. You could get landed with jackals without shields and grunts with plasma pistols. Equally, you could get two whole phantoms of brute chieftains with gravity hammers and hunters who’re on a mission. It’s luck of the draw, or lack of luck.odst2

You’re not limited to only one life, like you’ll find with most of the similar modes of game play. You have a collective pool of lives, seven. It’s seven and only seven. Like it or lump it. New lives are awarded lives for passing each round. (One round = four sets or twenty waves.) It all evens out, more players equals more guns to hand but not as much lee-way when it came to dying, less players means less guns but a bit more allowance when it comes to digging graves.

A not so fantastical part I noticed in “Fire-fight” was that you only have you and your friends. No computer controlled players to watch your rear while you snipe a brute chieftain. I’m not saying that this is a major fault but I don’t imagine it’s too much to ask for an extra pair of hands, is it?

All in all, it’s playable. And playable. And playable. And playable… And playable. And playa- You get the picture. Replay-ability is one of its strong points. A random selection of enemies and almost unlimited tactical opportunities means that you can play till the drones come home…

odst 1

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Halo 3: ODST

One word. AWSOME

No exaggeration required. A longer plot maybe, but that’s forgivable. The characters are the best thing about it, no doubt. Even though the game itself is great, the set-up’s different to any other game I think I’ve came across, or maybe I’ve just had a very sheltered gaming experience. Who knows?

But Halo 3 : ODST ticks all of my boxes (and some I didn’t know I had to tick!) Excellent game. Better than excellent. It’s a whole bunch of concentrated shiny-ness! And Shiny is the right word. See, I know of a little show called Firefly that happens to be also excellent. Combine that with an epic game format and what do you have? One of the best Gorram games out there! (The best if you forget about Left 4 Dead.)

The characters are the best I have ever seen in a game format and I’m not surprised in the slightest. With actors of such a high calibre and a genius story, you can’t go far wrong. It’s obvious from the start that this isn’t just a prequel to Halo 3, or a running-up to Reach. This is an epic game in it’s own right. Just like the very first Halo. It not only breaks boundaries, but it stops for long enough to stamp them into the dirt to make sure they don’t even think about getting back up again.

There’s Dutch, the big gun guy. He’s the not so bright but good to have on your side guy. Not allot is ever really said about him but you get a feel for the character when he’s asked where the rest of his troop is. “Gone, Dead. I dunno.” Not feeling the love. But that’s how he is. And funnily enough, that’s how Jayne is. (Jayne is the character that the actor plays in Firefly, that little “niche” show from earlier.) But hey, am I complaining? Nope.

And Buck. Buck, like Dutch, is basically his character from Firefly and anyone who knows either the actor or the show will recognise this at very first glance. We first see him without his helmet and in a way that shows him to be un-steady first. As soon as the awkwardness has evaporated we see him as the leader. The justly strict and loyal leader. No surprise there, but am I going to complain? Nope. (Although I think the facial graphics aren’t as good as they could have been but I am happy to miss out on a few extra details on a face if it means more funny comments from the attacking covenant.)

halo odst nathan

Mickey is the same story though his character, like Dutch is played down for the shorter plot line. He and Dutch are basically the quirky “replacements” that are there to watch each others back and to beef out the team, entertainment value and playing experiencing. He’s quick witted and personally my favourite thing about him is his intelligence. He’s the one with the jobs that take more than 3 brain cells to do. Like flying a phantom and setting fuses to blow-up bridges. “This ain’t a job ya wanna rush” after  all.

Romeo is one of the only characters that doesn’t have a root in the Firefly gene-pool. He’s a “ladies man” although I’d take Mickey over him any day. You don’t have to be Mickey though to realise that he’s a dab-hand with a sniper and a bit cocky about it.

Dare is the only one in recon armour. The only woman. The only one with history with Buck, and so the only one who really knows him. And she’s the only one who knows where they’re going and why. Making it difficult to get the ODSTs to do it properly.

In conclusion. ODST rules!!!

(Oh and don’t forget the Rookie. You!)


Monday, 28 September 2009

Wow… I’ve been twittering ALLOT!

Yep. Doubt anyone cares but still.

The blogging not going so well, so if ya wanna know wats goin on in ma life just head to and there ya shall find me and ya can feel free to bug me.

Don’t expect award-winning tweets (mine often involve Firefly and cookies, so whatever your taste is).

Monday, 24 August 2009

Kin Leonardo in the Hotel Inspector

Watching the Hotel Inspector in channel 5. Alex is in Switzerland trying to help a small village very touristy hotel, GAH.

Alex can be really pompous sometimes, and the editing is criminal. It’s edited to show the hotel owners as the bad guys. But they called her for help from Alex “Pah-leet-sea”. And the only clips from the hotel owners are ones of them complaining or looking stupid. Like ones timed so cruelly, they look like morons when they are obviously not. They’re just not very business savvy.

I still don’t know why I’m blogging, especially if it’s 3 times a day short enough to minimise to twitter blog messages. I want to watch “Stargate Atlantis”, probably just go read some fan fiction, then write some later.

Speaking of fan fiction, I’ve signed up for Leaf on The Wind Firefly RPG. The people on there are weird, just in the way that they come online very single day to talk through a fictional character to other people playing fictional characters.kin leonardo

Odd, but fun. I’m including my character profile picture. My character’s called Kin Leonardo. A turn on my usernames for every other social networking site profile I have.

(Best not say that too loudly, my password’s still the same!)


Just figured-out how to go rivertamstraight from my window vista on my laptop to my blog.

(In fact, that what I’m doing now)

Not that it matters. Actually, this post is just so I can see how it works.

Cyall later friend!


Alright, here I go.
Blog, what do I write?
Blog... Blog.... Blog.......... blog..................
Well, I'm on twitter, just in case you are reading this and are as bored as I am (hence the making of a blog when I have almost nothing to write that doens't fit into 140 characters)
I'm under the name Allanna_XD.
That's a _ not a - .

Just added a Halo 3 ODST wallpaper. Not the best formating in the world, don't you agree?
I only do this because I want the game and the game seems to be avoiding me. Oh wait, no it's not, motherr dearest just hasn't managed to drag herself up from the couch to go set up an amazon account so that the game can be ordered.
Kind of a flaw with the whole, get the game an play it scheme.

I got not much to write now, post more later.
Gonna watch Futurama.
"Femputer has decided that the men shall be sentanced to death! By Snoo-snoo!"